View from the 48th floor
Thai Tea Break
Local vendor
Wakie wakie!
Floating beer lady
House on a Bangkok canal
Taking pictures on a canal
Bangkok canal
Another local Bangkok home
Some boats are faster than others
School of Future Monks
Wat Po
Busy residential street
Chao Phraya
Golf mall in Bangkok
Dog show outside the MBK Center
Thai cemetery
Lunchtime nap
Your average Bangkok traffic
This was interesting...
Another Thai Iced Tea
How to waste your day
We wanted the monkeys for our yard
Soi Cowboy
Interesting hotel name
Desparately need water
Loading film. Again.
Inside the Grand Palace
Big mean guy
Fat guard statue
Little devils
Look closely at the elephant
The courtyard in front of the Emerald Buddha
Palace Guard
Decorated Palace Guard
It's really hot
The Grand Palace
Strike a pose
Ahh water!
Bringer of Water
Another palace view
With us
More guards and a big gun
Tuk tuk ride
Bangkok street scene
The Tall Buddha
The hotel pool
Our hotel from below
Sunset at the pool
Rough day
At the pool
Cool sunset
The Bridge over the River Kwai
Houses on the river Kwai
Thai train ride
Robin on the train
Post new-year partygoer
Khoa San Road
Waiting for the train
The train to Aranyaprathet
Dinner on the Thai border
Liver anyone?
Local style barbeque
Random elephant on the street
Gekko in action
Our room in Trat
The river behind out Trat guesthouse
Trying to find the ferry
The pier on Koh Chang
Hard at work
A sunset from our bungalow
Robin on the beach
Chumpie on our balcony
Matt, our host and barkeep
In our room
Andrea has a new friend
Our view
Another sunset
Andrea taking pictures
Andrea, Matt and Paul at the bar
Another spectacular sunset
Yummie watermelon
Hamming it up
Yet another great sunset
Hey there, baby
Sunset from inside our room
The spider that stayed with us a couple days
Caught in a sudden rainstorm in the bar
You go, girl
Lounging on the porch
Great clouds
The rain blows in quick this time of year
Andrea in the rain
Mooksidar's self portrait
Just after another great sunset
And another
Getting ready for school
First day of school
A local house
Tropical paradise of Koh Chang
Another local spider up the road
White Sand Beach at low tide
Andrea's daily walk
The stress of island life
Hmm, I wonder what this is?
When the rains come, they come big
The strom is coming
The sea rages
The horizon disappears
And then you're just drenched
We love it here
Even when it's raining
There's always another sunset
And we have plenty of pictures
The pool where Andrea hangs out
They grow 'em big here
Another amazing sunset
The whole clan
Robin hard at work
Fresh from the sea
A photo opportunity
The undeveloped east coast of Koh Chang
Chumpie and a camera
Out to dinner
We were there, too
Sunset over the mountains
The colors were amazing
The weather cleared up for us again
The new road to Long Beach
Pictures in the water
We're alive!
Flip flop rock climbing
One of Thailand's last totally virgin beaches
Long Beach, Koh Chang
That sun sure is bright
Rainforest to the sea
The rain is coming
Koh Chang in the Rain
Monk with umbrella
White Sand Beach in the rain
Huts on White Sand Beach
White Sand Beach
The very end of White Sand Beach
It does this every day
Paradise Palms, Had Kai Mook, Koh Chang, Thailand
The Palms of Paradise Palms
Still that same evening
Mothra came out and scared off the geckos
Matt and his incredible dancing spider
A banana spider moved in
We just can't stop ourselves
Bangkok in the rain
Monsoon hits Bangkok
Life in the big city
The scene in front of the Baiyoke
Tallest hotel in Thailand
It's here
Waiting for our boat
Still waiting
On the boat
Monsoon hits Andrea
And her umbrella
No sunset today
Where's the horizon?
Rock out!
There's the sunset!
Bowing down to Mecca
Faa and Mooksidar
Who's cooking now?
Love those tongs
No mussels tonight
The women at the BBQ
Our hosts, Matt and Tara
Don't touch my squid!
Food coma
Lonely house
Bang Bao fishing villiage
No fishing from that boat
Robin on the bridge
Bang Bao
Going for a walk
Taking a long walk off a short pier
This boat has seen better days
Bang Bao and Palm Tree
Islands off Koh Chang
Haircut anyone?
Charlee the baby
A cousin of Charlee's