If you are a Cinema 4D user, it has come to my attention that the new Cinema 4D R19 release changes how their renderer interacts with third party render managers like Smedge. In the past (all versions up through R18), you were able to use the Team Render Client executable with a render manager, allowing you to make use of extra nodes with the extra licenses you get with your C4D seat.
Apparently, this is now against the Maxon policy, and the changes made in the latest version of the Team Render system may cause the Team Render Client executable to no longer work correctly if run by a third party manager like Smedge. The solution from Maxon is to switch to using their Command Line Licenses. This also requires that you use either the Maxon float license server or the RLM floating license server.
These licensing and policy changes are unfortunately completely out of our control. If you have any questions about this change, how it affects your C4D rendering, or how to configure Smedge correctly to work around it, please contact support@uberware.net. Thank you,