Robin and Andrea

Entry Archives

June 2004

Read about Wednesday, June 30, 2004

We're getting ready to make our way into a whole new country! Andrea's birthday dinner is a feast in Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) in Vietnam. We have a little over 3 weeks there, and then back to Bangkok to meet up with some friends.

Posted by Andrea

Read about Friday, June 18, 2004

Ah, it's great to be back! Though the seafront bungalow is occupied tonight, we should be back in our little paradise by tomorrow. And it's not like the number 2 bungalow isn't just as nice! In any case, we've made it in one piece back to Koh Chang. We have a couple weeks of lounging, with the best cable TV in Thailand when it rains and an amazing location when it doesn't! Well, I guess it's an amazing location even when it does rain, it's just wetter....

Posted by Robin

Read about Thursday, June 10, 2004

We're back in Bangkok for a few days, taking care of some errands and enjoying life in a big, modern city. We'll probably be here for a few more days before heading back down to Koh Chang for a few more weeks. Then, it's off to Vietnam!

Posted by Robin

Read about Sunday, June 6, 2004

Not much has been going on in the last month...just hanging out on Koh Chang island, reading and relaxing while Smedge 3 is in the works, thanks to Robin. Unfortunately, our Visas had expired so we had to do a run for the border. We figured this would be a good time to head over to Cambodia for a few days, back to Sihanoukville. Back to yet another beautiful beach.

Posted by Andrea

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