Robin and Andrea

Entry Archives

March 2004

Read about Wednesday, March 31, 2004

We've been there and back again. And there and back again, again... Or something like that...

Posted by Robin

Read about Friday, March 26, 2004

So we're winding up our time in Beijing. They fixed my computer, finally, and we've booked our flight out on April 1st.

Posted by Robin

Read about Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Hi everyone. I just changed to a new web server company, so I'm sorry I haven't been able to post any updates lately. By now, the new server should have propogated to the whole world, so if you spot any problems, please email me and let me know, so I can fix them. When all the bugs are ironed out in another day or two, we'll post the stories from Beijing. Thanks!

Posted by Robin

Read about Wednesday, March 17, 2004

We drove through the whiteness of a snow storm in the Himalayas, cliffs on either side of us, in a barely functional Land Cruiser with no tread on the tires, and a maniacal Tibetan at the wheel.

Posted by Robin

Read about Sunday, March 14, 2004

After another cold, no electricity, no heat, no toilets night in Shegar..we all piled back in the Landcruiser to continue our journey to the this point we where all very excited, knowing that we where actually going to be at Base camp that day.

Posted by Andrea

Read about Saturday, March 13, 2004

If anybody want to get a hold of us...ya know, a long distance, very expensive chat to say "hello" We can be reached at:

The Great Wall Sheraton
10 North Dong San Huan Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100026
(86-10)6590 5566
Room 1450

We would love to call all of you...but we can't afford it...ha ha. We will be here until possibly the 25th...

Why we are in hiding one might ask....well, it al started in Lhasa.

Posted by Andrea

Read about Thursday, March 4, 2004

We watched the Oscars the other night. Did anyone else think the show sucked?

Posted by Robin

Read about Monday, March 1, 2004

We've made it to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. And it's not as cold as you might think.

Posted by Robin

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